Friday, November 27, 2009


Health tourism

Kerala has gained international attention for health tourism and is becoming a popular health tourism hub. Kerala and Ayurveda have virtually become synonymous with each other. However, world-class facilities are also available in the other traditional forms of medicine as well as modern medical treatment. Kerala has an excellent track record in the fields of tourism and health care. World wide, health tourism, including dental tourism is booming tourism industry. Health care authorities, too, are keen to the tie up with effective health care delivery sources that can provide sophisticated care options for their citizens.

The major advantage of the medical tourism, dental tourism, in India is its cost effectiveness and competency along with attraction of tourism. The slogan, thus is ‘world class treatment at ‘one by tenth prices’. The total tour cost, including air fair, hospital expenses, hotel accommodation and added tourism experience, works out much less than the cost of surgery alone in many other countries.

Kerala Dental Tourism

Dentistry though a growing industry in the US is unaffordable by average citizens due to the expensive Dental Care Services. Dental treatment is generally not reimbursed by the National Health Schemes of some countries and is too expensive. In addition to their exorbitant dental cost is the inconvenience of having to wait for extended periods to undergo various corrective surgeries. These delays can be often detrimental to the patient’s health. In India, dental treatment is not only fast but also costs a fraction of what it costs in USA or Europe.
In all of India, Kerala is one of the prime tourist locations. Kerala is also popularly known as God’s Own Country. The nature here is especially beautiful and the entire state is one big tourist spot. Kerala has something to offer every visitor, be it peace, serenity, a joy for life, or reconnecting with your creator. With almost cent percent literacy, Kerala boasts of an educated public, varied cuisine that will leave your palette tingling for more and your eyes begging for more of Kerala’s natural beauty.

Dental Tourism Packages

Most dental work takes at the most couple of hours over a short period of days or a week at most. After a dental appointment, visitors are free and encouraged to explore the beautiful land of Kerala. We recommend some special tour packages to get a good feel of this tropical paradise in India.

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